Dear Friends,
I have immense pleasure in addressing you as the incumbent President of KOSS Global.
I take this opportunity to thank you all and congratulate the KOSS Executive Committee for electing the new office bearers. We place our deep appreciation on record to Messrs:
N. Sathyadevan, Patron
John Samuel, Co-Patron
Babu Panamthundil, General Convenor
Jose Kollamparampil, Joint Convenor
Dr. John Panackel, Chief Advisor (Founder Patron)
Johnson Keeppallil, Advisor (Founder General Convenor), and
all others for their commendable work and contributions and growth of the KOSS. We extend our special admiration to the Kudassanad Local Coordination Committee, under the able stewardship of Prof. John Mathew Palavilayil, for their dedicated work.
As you are aware the visionary guidance of Dr. John Panackel and able patronage of Shri N Sathyadevan, paved the way for the continuous growth of the Association, which stands today in the forefront of similar NRI Associations.
The KOSS is registered as a Charity Trust under the Kerala Charitable Societies Act, with an elected leadership of a Board of Directors consisting 15 members. Due to their devotion and selfless work, we were able to help many people in distress financially and in other ways!
The centrally located KOSS office in Kudassanad functions efficiently with full time staffs which acts as a nodal point for interaction, administration of KOSS Global community and as a training centre.
The internet forum incorporated since January 2006 by Shri. Anish Abraham (USA) is our main artery of communication. Day by day it grows in strength with the dignity and decorum it deserves. Newly opened web portal offers various avenues for live interaction and exchange information.
KOSS is like a family which belongs to all equally under its roof: No personal agenda or interest other than to serve the community individually and collectively. We look forward for each one of your active participation, support, direct involvement in this mission. Please encourage all to join this forum and setup local chapters. It would be of utmost interest if each one of you set apart a small part of your income, however small it may be, to help the needy and distressed. Remember:
Little drops of water | Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean | And the pleasant land.
I appeal to all local chapters to improve the already good work being carried out by the respectable leaders by arranging frequent community programs like family get together, picnics & sightseeing, cultural events, etc to bring community together! Arrange assistance for newly arrived people to find job, accommodation, etc.
May God Almighty’s blessings be endowed upon us and our families so that we can continue to serve the society.
Sending you my warmest greetings, I remain sincerely yours,
Cherukulathoor Chandrasekhara Kurup.
President, KOSS Global
Kuwait +965 9946 4245